Eyes on Brickell: Medical vs. Vision Insurance: A Guide

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Medical Insurance vs. Vision Insurance


VSP, Eyemed, Davis Vision are All accepted at Eyes on Brickell but what about is difference between Medical Insurance Vs. Vision Insurance.

First and for most, Vision plans are not medical plans; And there continues to be much confusion concerning the proper usage of Vision Plans or Medical Insurance at the time of your eye exam. Hopefully, the following will help clear some of the confusion.

It is important that you understand that your Vision Plan (VSP, EyeMed,Comp Benefits Davis Vision, Opticare, Spectra, NVA, or Avesis) covers ROUTINE eye care only (nearsightedness, farsightedness, and normal astigmatism).

At Eyes on Brickell You will be receiving a comprehensive medical eye exam not a “quickie Mega-Mart exam” or “optical exam”. Dr. Copty and the Optometric Physicians at Eyes on Brickell are committed to giving you the highest quality eye care. Our doctors will examine you for many conditions such as glaucoma, dry eyes, cataracts, retinal holes or tears, diabetic and hypertensive eye disease among many others.

Your sight is one of the most precious of our human senses, and we will do every effort to protect your vision by offering you services such as dilated eye exam, visual field exams, retinal photos and much more.

If your eye exam involves a medical condition related to your eye that requires specific counseling, documentation, follow-up care, prescription eye drops, regular monitoring or referral to a surgeon, then your visit is NOT COVERED by your Vision Plan. Unfortunately, the doctor cannot tell if medical eye conditions exist before you are thoroughly examined.

The good news is that your Medical Insurance can be used when an eye-related medical problem, such as, dry eyes, or cataracts, complications from diabetes or high blood pressure (among many others) are found during the course of the eye examination. You do not need a vision benefits rider on your medical insurance to be covered for a medical eye condition. In these cases, your Medical Insurance will be billed for the eye exam even though a Vision Plan may also be in effect. Your Medical Insurance co-pays and deductibles prevail and must be paid at the time of your exam.

More Good News!: If we do file the exam with your medical insurance, you can still use your Vision Plan benefits towards the purchase of glasses or contact lenses based on your plans allowances.

At Eyes on Brickell we promise to confirm your insurance and explain your benefits at the time of your examination. Our office schedule will work around your work schedule. Our last appointment is at 8:00 pm and we have a wide selection of eye wear choices and brands.

Call us at 786-801-1335 to schedule your next appointment.

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