
Aging and Diabetes Affect Your Eyelids

How Aging and Diabetes Affect Your Eyelids: Causes & Solutions

As we get older our skin and muscles change, and this is often visible in the form of sagging and wrinkles. One of the most widespread problems are droopy eyelids. This condition makes eyes appear tired and create vision problems. Diabetes is another factor that can lead to drooping, apart...

Eyes on Brickell: Ptosis Treatment Miami

What is Ptosis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Ptosis is a condition where the upper eyelids sag, and it can affect anyone, including children. Sometimes, the droopiness is mild, but in severe cases, it can cover the eye and cause vision problems. Luckily, it's treatable, and doctors can recommend surgery or an eye drop called Upneeq. The safest...

Eyes on Brickell: Revitalize Your Look with Blepharoplasty

Taking the Years Off Your Face With Blepharoplasty

Sagging skin is one of the noticeable signs of aging. As we age, our skin starts to become thin, dry, and dull as it stretches over time, and the muscles that support it become weak. The sagging skin can be noticed all around your face and eyes, which nobody likes...