Common Eye Problems

Common Vision Problems

Common Vision Problems in School-Aged Children and How to Spot Them

Your child’s vision is a cornerstone of their development. Good eyesight can help them enjoy their hobbies, learn to read and write, and even play sports. Unfortunately, many children experience common vision problems that can significantly impact their daily lives. Did you know that according to the US Centers for...

Eyes on Brickell: The Importance of Eye Exams

Why Are Eye Exams Important?

When people think about their health, they often take their eyes for granted. Yet they are the most sensitive organs of our body, they need utmost care and attention. Even if there are a wide variety of ways to maintain a healthy vision, but the one of the best things...

Eyes on Brickell: Know About Dry Eye Syndrome

Symptoms, Causes & Treatments of Dry Eye Syndrome

Tears are the eyes natural cleanser and they also cost a lot less.  Tears are not only responsible for removing the toxic chemicals from our body, but they are also responsible for lubricating the eye surface and removing dust and debris from the eye. When they fail to provide the...

Eyes on Brickell: Eye Problems You Must-Know

Are There Common Eye Problems That You Should Know About?

The eyes are the most sensitive organs in the human body, but many of us don’t provide them the attention and care that they need to be healthy and become a victim of various eye problems. Some of the common eye problems that may arise at any age include eye...