Dry Eyes

Aging and Diabetes Affect Your Eyelids

How Aging and Diabetes Affect Your Eyelids: Causes & Solutions

As we get older our skin and muscles change, and this is often visible in the form of sagging and wrinkles. One of the most widespread problems are droopy eyelids. This condition makes eyes appear tired and create vision problems. Diabetes is another factor that can lead to drooping, apart...

Christmas Lights

How Christmas Lights Affect Your Eyes: What You Need to Know?

The twinkling glow of Christmas lights, a beloved symbol of the holiday, adds to the festive spirit. However, their impact on our eyes is a lesser-discussed side. Prolonged exposure to high-energy blue light emitted by LEDs can fatigue the eyes. Understanding how Christmas lights affect eye health is important for...

Protect Your Vision

Aging and Your Eyes: Effective Tips to Protect Your Vision!

As we age, it's common to notice changes in our eye health and vision. Just like other parts of the body, our eyes become more likely to face problems as we get older. You might find that your eyes don't work as well as they used to, and if these...

Smoking Impacts

How Smoking Affects the Health of Your Eyes: A Comprehensive Overview!

Smoking only harms your lungs? Think again! The truth is that smoking can seriously harm your eyes in several ways. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Smoking can cause lung disease, heart disease, cancer, and many other serious health problems, but it can also harm your eyes, including a...

Eyes on Brickell: Health Vision Month - May

May is Healthy Vision Month: Why Taking Care of Your Eyes is Essential Self-Care?

Have you ever stopped to think about how much you rely on your eyes every single day? From the moment you wake up to the second you fall asleep, your eyes are constantly at work, helping you navigate through the world around you. Yet, despite their importance, we often take our...

Eyes on Brickell: March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month: 10 Tips for Protecting Your Vision at Work

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month! The American Academy of Ophthalmology dedicated this month to raising awareness about vision and eye health protection at work. This initiative isn't just about preventing discomfort. It's about protecting your vision and reducing the risk of serious injuries. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,...

Eyes on Brickell: Valentine’s Day: Red Roses or Red Eyes

What Do You Prefer On Valentine’s Day: Red Roses or Red Eyes?

Valentine's Day is a special occasion celebrated by couples and lovers worldwide. The Day is about expressing love, warmth, and companionship. However, it is also an ideal time to show yourself some love and care. Instead of adhering to norms and traditions, you can indulge in self-care this Valentine's month...

Eyes on Brickell: Back-to-School Eye Exams

A Complete Guide to Back-to-School Eye Exams and Vision Tests for Children

Bag, notebook, pencil, lunch box and water bottle? You'll surely have your kids ready for another school year with a proper back-to-school checklist, right? But you're missing out on ‘Back-to-school Eye Exams’—probably the most important thing you can do to prepare your little ones for school. While certain schools may...

Eyes on Brickell: IPL Treatment for Chronic Dry Eye

The Benefits of Intense Pulsed Light Treatment for Chronic Dry Eye

Dry eye is a prevalent issue among the 2 billion individuals worldwide who suffer from various eye problems. If you experience this condition, you may be unaware of its causes or potential solutions. Essentially, dry eye disease arises when your eyes are not adequately moisturized by your tears. Tears are...

Eyes on Brickell: Ptosis Treatment Miami

What is Ptosis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Ptosis is a condition where the upper eyelids sag, and it can affect anyone, including children. Sometimes, the droopiness is mild, but in severe cases, it can cover the eye and cause vision problems. Luckily, it's treatable, and doctors can recommend surgery or an eye drop called Upneeq. The safest...