Eye Doctor Brickell

Eyes on Brickell: Comprehensive Eye Exams vs. Contact Lens Exams

Understanding The Difference Between A Comprehensive Eye Exam and Contact Lens Exam

Contact lenses are getting more prevalent these days among youngsters. If you are suffering from any kind of vision issues either nearsightedness or farsightedness, this guide will help you choose a suitable eyewear. Check out the difference between these eye tests before you go for a refraction eye exam and...

Eyes on Brickell: Tips to Protect Your Eyes

Five Ways To Protect Your Precious Eyesight

Preserving your eyesight is essentially important to maintain the quality of your life. Nowadays, there are many people all around the world who are suffering either from nearsightedness or farsightedness. Whatever the problem is, taking care of your eye health is important to preserve your eyesight. Here are some preventive...

Eyes on Brickell: Laser Eye Surgery Essentials

Things You Need to Know About Laser Eye Surgery

Good vision and eyesight plays a crucial role in the quality of your life. There are thousands of people all around the world who are suffering from farsightedness, shortsightedness or any other kind of vision impairment issues. For many years, people are dependent on eyeglasses and Contact Lenses to correct...

Eyes on Brickell: Eye Problems You Must-Know

Are There Common Eye Problems That You Should Know About?

The eyes are the most sensitive organs in the human body, but many of us don’t provide them the attention and care that they need to be healthy and become a victim of various eye problems. Some of the common eye problems that may arise at any age include eye...