
Eyes on Brickell: Glaucoma: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

What are the Symptoms, Causes And Treatments of Glaucoma Eye Disease?

Glaucoma is a common eye disease which is a leading cause of blindness. It is even more common among the elderly. There is a fluid at the back of your eyes, behind the iris that is responsible for sending signals to the brain. When a blockage occurs in this sequence,...

Eyes on Brickell: Comprehensive Eye Exams vs. Contact Lens Exams

Understanding The Difference Between A Comprehensive Eye Exam and Contact Lens Exam

Contact lenses are getting more prevalent these days among youngsters. If you are suffering from any kind of vision issues either nearsightedness or farsightedness, this guide will help you choose a suitable eyewear. Check out the difference between these eye tests before you go for a refraction eye exam and...

Eyes on Brickell: Learn About Low Vision

Top 3 Reasons What You Should Know About Low Vision

You must have heard about ‘Low Vision’ but do you know what it actually is? Low Vision is basically a kind of visual impairment that cannot be fully corrected with the help of prescription glasses, Contact Lenses, surgeries and any other type of medical treatments available today. It can occur...

Eyes on Brickell: Medical vs. Vision Insurance: A Guide

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Medical Insurance vs. Vision Insurance

VSP, Eyemed, Davis Vision are All accepted at Eyes on Brickell but what about is difference between Medical Insurance Vs. Vision Insurance. First and for most, Vision plans are not medical plans; And there continues to be much confusion concerning the proper usage of Vision Plans or Medical Insurance at...