
Eyes on Brickell: Buy Latisse Eye Drops

Latisse Eye Drops: A Complete Guide

For those who don't have enough lashes, Latisse eye drops are the first FDA-approved method of growing longer, fuller, and darker lashes. It was found to be effective for growing eyelashes when ophthalmologists who were using the drops to treat glaucoma noticed that their patients were developing very long eyelashes. But,...

Eyes on Brickell: Scleral Lenses 101

Scleral Lenses 101: All the Basics You Need to Know

Have you been told that you cannot wear contact lenses because of an abnormal cornea or different issues? Worry Not! You can get a second opinion and ask your eye care expert about scleral lenses for keratoconus in Brickell to be sure. They are super life-converting technology for healing a...

Eyes on Brickell: Eyes: Exam vs. Screening - What to Expect?

Comprehensive Eye Exam Vs Vision Screening – What To Expect?

From stereops to astigmatism to ocular mobility, ophthalmologists and optometrists in Brickell use a wide variety of tests to examine your eyes. Since there are numerous eye tests and procedures, it becomes difficult to know what kind of eye exam is right for your vision type: comprehensive eye exam or...

Eyes on Brickell: Cataracts: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

The Causes, Symptoms and Treatments of Cataracts

Cataract is the most common eye condition responsible for vision loss in people over 50 years of age. It can cause complete blindness if left untreated. If you are experiencing difficulty in reading, blurry vision, decreased night vision and trouble in identifying different colors, then there are chances that you...

Eyes on Brickell: Ideal Eye Care Center Near You

How Can I Find The Right Eye Care Center Near Me?

Taking care of your eyes is essential for maintaining good vision and preventing eye-related diseases. Regular eye checkups are crucial for diagnosing and treating eye problems early on. When it comes to finding the right Miami eye care center, there are a few things to consider. Let’s have a look...