Prescription Eye Drops Miami

Ptosis Treatments

Effective Ways to Manage Ptosis Without Surgery

Ptosis is a condition in which the upper eyelid droops, impacting both cosmetic appearance and vision. It may occur because of aging, weakness of muscle, or nerve damage. Most people assume surgery is the only way, which is often not the case. Fortunately, there are non-invasive ptosis treatment options available. In this blog, we will...

Eyes on Brickell: Artificial Tears FDA Eyedrops

Bacteria in Recalled Eye Drops ‘Artificial Tears Distributed by EzriCazre’ Linked to Cases of Vision Loss, Surgical Removal of Eyeballs

Are you familliar with Recalled Eye Drops? A rare strain of bacteria found in recalled eye drops 'Artificial Tears distributed by EzriCazre' has been linked to dozens of infections, as well as cases of vision loss, surgical removal of eyeballs and one death. Global Pharma Healthcare’s Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops, distributed...