Eyes on Brickell: Learn About Low Vision

Top 3 Reasons What You Should Know About Low Vision


You must have heard about ‘Low Vision’ but do you know what it actually is? Low Vision is basically a kind of visual impairment that cannot be fully corrected with the help of prescription glasses, Contact Lenses, surgeries and any other type of medical treatments available today. It can occur at any age regardless of gender, but people age 50 and older are at higher risk of having low vision from diabetes and glaucoma. Some of the other causes of low vision include macular degeneration, eye infection, eye inflammation, Retinal Detachment, Stroke and Brain tumor etc.

No matter your low vision is temporary or permanent, but it can completely deteriorate the quality of your life as you need to depend on your family, friends and relatives for the day to day activities.  A visually impaired person cannot even drive, eat, cook, read or watch a television properly that make him feel shut off from the world.  Losing the ability to live your life independently lowers self-confidence and self- esteem.

In case of children, you need to provide them with special care and attention from their earliest years on, as they don’t find it comfortable to socialize with other children and adults. If you are suffering from night blindness, blurred vision or any other kind of vision impairment, it can be helped by various low vision devices. But, firstly you should schedule an appointment with a professional for a complete eye exam.

Your eye doctor will let you know whether your vision impairment can be treated with prescription glasses or contact lenses. If not, then it could be a sign of serious eye ailment and it can be treated before further vision loss occurs. In case, your eye doctor discovers that your vision loss cannot be corrected with the standard medical treatment or eyewear then he will help you in some other way to cope up with the situation.

Knowledge and practice are the two most important things that you need to improve the quality of your life and to maintain your independence if you are suffering from low vision. A variety of optical and non-optical aids are available today which you can adopt to deal with your visual impairment. Some of the optical aids include hand-held magnifiers, loupes, telescopes and special software to use computers and laptops whereas some of the non-optical aids include large-face printed material, reading guides with highlighters, audio recordings, special light fixtures, etc.

Eyes on Brickell are dedicated to provide high quality care in a friendly environment utilizing the best in class equipment and state-of-the-art technology.

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