Eyes on Brickell : Reasons of Contact Lens Irritation

Viable Reasons of Contact Lens Irritation


If you have been wearing Contact Lenses, you have likely experienced some level of irritation at some point. The level of discomfort can be from mild eye irritation from contacts, to potentially sight-threatening infections. If your eyes are frequently red, sore or swollen after wearing contact lenses, you probably suffer from contact lens irritation. Contact Lens Irritation can also cause dry eyes, blurred vision and a consistent feeling that there is something in your eye more than just contact lens. Before any irritation becomes worse, you should get an itchy eye treatment from an eye doctor in Miami.

Read on to Know Some of the Main Causes of Eye Irritation from Contacts:

Wearing Contact Lenses for Too Long

There are different kinds of Contact Lenses, ranging from those designed to be worn for a couple of hours, to brands that can be safely worn overnight. Wearing your contact lenses for longer than the recommended time period can cause irritation and discomfort. Wearing contact lenses that are past their expiration date can also cause problem. So, it is ideal to start replacing your contact lenses as frequently as recommended by your eye doctor.

Poor Fit

Your eye size and shape are unique to you, and the same goes for your contacts. Your eye specialist takes number of measurements to make sure your contacts lens properly fits your eye. However, in some cases the fit can be somewhat off. If you constantly experience slight pain or eye irritation from contacts, redness, fluctuations in vision, or you feel as if a foreign object is in your eye, your contacts might fit incorrectly.

Improper Care or Use of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are fragile and should be cared for as recommended by the manufacturer. Failing to clean your contact lenses appropriately, letting them to dry out, or not washing your hands before inserting them can all result in contact lens discomfort and irritation. Also, perfume, hair products and makeup can transfer onto your Cheap Contact Lenses, just from normal wear. These products can cause issues and lead dry, itchy, and irritated eyes.

Environmental Allergens

Your eyes may become irritated when there are large amounts of environmental allergens, like, dust, dander, and even pollen in the atmosphere. These allergens are able to stick to the surface of the lenses and cause irritation. A few side effects of this are eye redness, irritation and dryness. Continuous cleaning is critical to remove any build up that occurs on the lenses.

Eye Irritation from Contacts

Eye infections caused by the bacteria and other organisms on Contact Lenses Online or in your contact lens solutions can be quite serious. If left untreated, an eye infection could be sight-threatening, so it is important to see an eye doctor as soon as possible if you think you may have an eye infection.

If you experience eye irritation from contacts and discomfort, there are plenty of things you can do to avoid an infection. Caring for your contact lenses and using them as directed will help you avoid many problems, including infection. If all else fails consult an Eye Doctor in Miami as a change in the type of contact lenses or getting your prescription updated may be necessary to relieve lingering irritation.

Eyes on Brickell provides an all-inclusive eye exam aimed to help patients determine the right contact lens for their vision and comfort. Our contact lens expert in Brickell will talk over your contact lens needs during the custom Contact Lens Eye Exam near me in Miami based on your lifestyle.

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