Eyes on Brickell: The Importance of Eye Exams

Why Are Eye Exams Important?


When people think about their health, they often take their eyes for granted. Yet they are the most sensitive organs of our body, they need utmost care and attention. Even if there are a wide variety of ways to maintain a healthy vision, but the one of the best things to ensure the well-being of your eyes is a regular eye exams. The eye specialists recommend having eye exams at least twice a year to keep your vision sharp and strong.

Eye problems can happen to anyone at any age. So, if it’s been a year or so that you haven’t seen an eye doctor, schedule an appointment with the best eye doctor Miami as soon as possible.  Now let us discuss about some of the things that your doctor will check during the examination:

Refractive Error – First of all, your doctor will look for any refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. These are the common eye problems, which can be corrected with the use of contact lenses and prescription glasses Brickell.

Amblyopia – Amblyopia, also called lazy eye is a condition where the eye is anatomically normal, but the eyesight is abnormal because the brain and the eye are unable to work together properly. The very first step to correct amblyopic eye is eye patching.

Diabetes – It can lead to complete vision loss. The individuals suffering from this disease are strongly advised to go to eye doctor Brickell to have an eye exams to check for diabetic retinopathy.

Your eyes are the gateway to your soul. Therefore, it is your responsibility to keep them in good health.

Eyes on Brickell is a leading Optical Boutique In Miami that offers a diverse range of eye care services. Feel free to talk to us if you are experiencing any symptoms of eye problems.

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