Allergy Formula


Help reduce and eliminate Ocular Allergy symptoms with an all natural supplement – and with no side effects.

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More than 60 million Americans have allergies with approximately 40% having ocular allergies, most of whom are unaware that ocular allergies are the cause of their symptoms. Our Ocular Allergy Formula provides an all natural approach to providing relief for those afflicted.

Prescription medications for allergies, like anti-histamines, can exacerbate eye issues and lead to more pain and suffering. Our proprietary formula provides key ingredients which have been shown to be as clinically effective as Zyrtec. Designed with all natural ingredients the Ocular Allergy Formula works by boosting your own immune system, helping your body fight off allergies without any of the side effects like those associated with anti-histamines.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

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