
Blink GelTears® Lubricating Eye Drops


Blink GelTears® Lubricating Eye Drops have all the advantages of Blink® Tears but with a thicker, more viscous lubricating formula for enhanced comfort4,5. It is uniquely formulated for daytime and nighttime use and provides superior end-of-day comfort*4,5. It also becomes preservative-free in the eye; the preservative breaks down into natural tear components (water and sodium chloride) when exposed to light6.

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For treating symptoms of moderate to severe dry eye, Blink GelTears®Lubricating Eye Drops can provide you with the enhanced relief you are looking for. Some typical symptoms of moderate to severe dry eye may include persistent burning, stinging or scratchiness; significant redness; mucus discharge; blurred vision; and difficulty moving your eyelids.

Blink GelTears® Lubricating Eye Drops have all the advantages of Blink® Tears but with a thicker, more viscous lubricating formula for enhanced comfort4,5. It is uniquely formulated for daytime and nighttime use and provides superior end-of-day comfort*4,5. It also becomes preservative-free in the eye; the preservative breaks down into natural tear components (water and sodium chloride) when exposed to light6.

*In an Ocular Lubricant questionnaire, comfort ratings were statistically significantly higher for Blink GelTears® vs. Allergan’s Refresh Optive Liquid Gel after 7 days and 30 days.

Available in .34 oz fl oz bottle

Indications and important safety information

Ask your eye care professional what makes Blink GelTears® Lubricating Eye Drops effective.

If you are allergic to any ingredient in Blink GelTears® Lubricating Eye Drops, do not use this product. Stop use and ask a doctor if you experience eye pain, changes in vision, continued redness or irritation of the eye or if the condition worsens or persists for more than 72 hours.


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